The Elevator

frame of mind

Image: Gregory Szarkiewicz /

Every time we come and go from my parents 15th floor penthouse apartment in Montreal, the song I hear from my kids goes like this “I get to push the button! Called it! Locked it! Threw away the key!”

For some mysterious reason, pushing the elevator button is a huge honor and opportunity solely reserved for those who are quick on the draw. It is a status issue and the appeal is the responsibility and the control over making the elevator move and getting it from one place to another. There is power in pushing the button and children strive to compete for that type of power. It’s natural.

Oddly enough, the will for power seems to disappear with age. In fact, we seem to do everything to abdicate that power. I am not referring to the power to press buttons (although we can throw that one in too – we stay away from hitting buttons at all cost simply because we are too concerned with getting germs). I’m talking about the power to walk into our lives and ultimately take responsibility for our happiness. We come up with every reason under the sun why happiness isn’t possible.

“How can you expect me to become happy? The market is not good. The level of competition is tough. Being a parent is hard. Having older, aging parents is stressful. Budgets are restricted. Married life is hard work. My back hurts. I am overweight. I have laundry to do. I have no time at all. Life is really a big challenge and I’m drained.”

While all of this may be your reality, the truth is that this is the reality you’ve preferred to concentrate on and what you focus on is what becomes your life, plain and simple. The fact is that happiness is a choice that is caused by one fundamental decision: to hit the button on the value of your life as a main concern. To choose with unequivocal strength that you and your happiness are more valuable than any other thing in the universe and be willing to say “Called it! Locked it! Threw away the key!”

Are you willing to press that button?

Evaluate the areas of your life where you’re ready to push the button at


About Frame of Mind Coaching

Kim Ades, MBA, President of Frame of Mind Coaching and JournalEngine™ Software, is one of North America’s foremost experts on performance through thought management. By using her unique process of coaching through journaling, she works with clients to unveil and switch their thought patterns to ignite significant change and life transformation. Visit to assess your frame of mind and sign up for your own free, secure, online journal.
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